The Regulators by Stephen King

Author: Stephen King

GoodReads Rating: 3.66/5

t’s a summer afternoon in Wentworth, Ohio, and on Poplar Street everything’s normal. The paper boy is making his rounds; the Carver kids are bickering at the corner convenience store; Gary Soderson is firing up the backyard barbecue. The only thing that doesn’t quite fit is the red van idling just up the hill. Soon it will begin to roll, and the killing will begin. Suburbia is about to take a turn for the ugly. Houses mysteriously transform into log cabins and the street now ends in what looks like a child’s hand-drawn western landscape. Masterminding this sudden onslaught is the evil creature, Tak, who has taken over the body of an autistic eight-year-old boy, Seth Garin.
By the time night falls on Poplar Street, the surviving residents will find themselves in another world, one where anything, no matter how terrible, is possible…and where the regulators are on their way. By what power they have come, how far they will go, and how they can be stopped—these are the desperate questions. The answers are terrifying.

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